Kindergarten growing

Maritsa kindergarten and Daga (Rainbow) kindergarten in Plovdiv are involving their children in growing herbs and doing eco-friendly outdoor activities. In a pleasant and enjoyable way, they immerse themselves in the world of nature and learn how to protect the environment.


Growing in Plovdiv kindergartens




Useful links:

Kidzgrove Nursery in Mansfield in the UK have been awarded a Food for Life early years award, and built-in time for growing fruit and veg in the nursery, and inspired parents to do the same at home.


Plan your space, buy some seeds and get growing!

How is the project linked to climate change and sustainability?

The project gives pre-school children an early start in learning about plants, how they grow, and how to look after them. They will be introduced to local, seasonal food, and gain inspiration and some basic skills to build on in later life.

Who is involved?

The kindergarten staff are supporting the pupils with the growing as a key educational activity, and also have the support of the parents.

How are the participants involved?

As part of Maritsa kindergarten's project, they are creating a green outdoor study hall in the school yard. At the moment, thanks to the help of the parents of enrolled children, the educational facility already boasts a vegetable garden. A large gazebo with tables and benches will be added to it. In this part of the kindergarten, children will participate in open-air activities in the form of games on the topic of how to grow vegetables and herbs. Herbs will be dried there, and the children will be able to taste the vegetables. The idea is part of the Montessori teacher training, through which the children will get acquainted with nature and its laws.

An eco-study hall will also be built in the yard of Daga (Rainbow) kindergarten. In it, children will be trained through new, innovative methods in order to better acquire knowledge and skills. Through the project, the canopy of the existing playground will be repaired and the new facility will have two gazebos, drawing boards, benches and recycling waste bins.

Key steps:

These two kindergartens in Plovdiv are at the early stages of setting up their growing project. In order to ensure that your garden project runs smoothly, there are a few initial considerations to think about even before you even lift a spade. By thinking about these things before getting your hands dirty, you will be able to ensure that you design your space so that it benefits the children who will be using it, as well as maximizing your physical space.

  1. Meet with parents to explain your plans and how their children will benefit from outdoor play and learning.
  2. Involve parents and the children in the planning stages. Ask the question – what would they like to see in the garden space?
  3. Seek out and use the expertise and skills of parents.
  4. Put together a ‘wish list’ of everything you would like to have in your garden space.
  5. Draw a plan of your outdoor space to determine whether all of your wish list can be incorporated. If not, what are your priorities?

Above all else, there are three main things to consider when setting up your garden:

  • Think about your space
  • Think about your budget
  • Think about your volunteers