Ökomarkt e.V.

The Ökomarkt e.V. is a consumer and producer education and extension service. For around thirty years it has supported the expansion of organic farming in Germany, especially in

the region of Hamburg and north Germany.  Projects are run with the financial support of the federal German government (federal ministry of agriculture) as well as with funding from environmental foundations. The ongoing projects cover regional, national and EU- level. The Ökomarkt e.V, organizes events to inform consumers about organic agriculture, and executes many targeted consumer education programs, such as information weeks in university canteens or shopping guides for organic food (see www. oekomarkt-hamburg.de). In 1995 the Ökomarkt e.V. established a pedagogic team that organises events for kindergarten and school groups. In one of its projects the pedagogic team organizes more than 350 events on 15 organic farms in north Germany per year. So for many years the Ökomarkt e.V. is partner of outdoor learning for schools and kindergarten.

Since 2004, the Ökomarkt e.V. has organized more than 140 workshops for schools and kindergartens to promote sustainable and organic food supply systems (www.biokannjeder.de). Since 2004 the Ökomarkt e.V. gives advice to schools on how to build canteen kitchens and canteens in schools.

The Ökomarkt e.V. is recognised by the teacher’s vocational training institute as official educational training for teachers. The Ökomarkt e.V. is certified as an organization that follows the guidelines of the "Economy for the common good" (Gemeinwohlökonomie). Beside this the Ökomarkt e.V. is certified from the city Hamburg as partner in the NUN certification. The certificate states that the Ökomarkt e.V. offers events that follow the guidelines of "Education for sustainable development"(ESD) (https://www.hamburg.de/nun-zertifizierung/).

Ökomarkt Verbraucher und Agrarberatung e. V.

Ökomarkt Verbraucher und Agrarberatung e. V.
Osterstr. 58
20259 Hamburg                     